Recognizing the Connection:
Nature & Culture
As an admirer of Animist Cultures that live in coexistence with nature on a
global scale,
our intention at ACCO is to recognize the beauty
of these cultures, while maintaining a respectful narrative to avoid
Cultural Appropriation
"Makavhuzi" Bull Male resident and Male Hook-lipped Rhino with Imire husbandry & Anti-Poaching Teams. Zimbabwe - Sept.2024
Students attending the "Numwa Primary School." Wedza District, Zimbabwe - Sept.2024
The Imire Rhino & Wildlife Conservancy Team, including Volunteer Activity Guide "Bright" and members of the resident Savanna Elephant Ranger & Husbandry team. Wedza District, Zimbabwe - Sept.2024
To accomplish this, we desire to work in collaboration & partnership with people who represent the indigenous nations at the local Midwestern-level, throughout the U.S.,
and on an International level.
We desire to avoid any and all forms of cultural appropriation, and want to help convey culturally significant species of wildlife from the perspectives of the indigenous nations they live in coexistence with.
Therefore, the best methods in contacting and referencing from local nations will be practiced, and collaborations are encouraged. We intend to help enrich the local communities, and to mend and/or forge relationships that may have been severed before.
Furthermore, we at ACCO would like to express that we are wholeheartedly an inclusive organization: just as we recognize that nature thrives with the presence of richness in the biodiversity of species within an ecosystem, this too is true of human culture. Therefore, we celebrate the diversity of people, and identify our organization as an
Ally to all people.